Why Max’s Ark is Picky About Adoptions (and Why Age Matters)

At Max’s Ark Rescue, we’re often asked why we’re so selective when it comes to adopting out our precious rescue fur babies. The answer is simple: we’re committed to finding the best possible match for each animal, ensuring they go to a home where they will be loved, cared for, and safe for the rest of their lives.

Many of our rescues come from difficult backgrounds, with some having suffered neglect, abuse, or abandonment. These animals deserve a forever home where their unique needs are met, and their past hardships are replaced with love and stability. This means we take the time to carefully evaluate potential adopters, looking at factors like experience, lifestyle, and even age.

Why does age matter? It’s not about discriminating against older or younger adopters but about ensuring a good fit for both the pet and the person. For example, a high-energy young dog might be a better match for an active, younger individual or family, while a calm, older dog could be perfect for a retired person who has more time to offer companionship. We also consider the long-term commitment that comes with adopting a pet. If someone is older and interested in a puppy or a young dog, we want to be sure they have a solid support system in place should their circumstances change over the years.

At Max’s Ark, our goal is to make sure each adoption is successful for everyone involved

At Max’s Ark, our goal is to make sure each adoption is successful for everyone involved—both the adopter and the animal. By being selective, we reduce the chances of the pet being returned, rehomed, or worse, ending up in a shelter again. We’re picky because we care deeply about the well-being of our animals and the happiness of the families who welcome them into their lives.

Every adoption is a commitment, and we want to ensure it’s one that will last a lifetime.

Rescue Factoid: $36 is what it costs each day a rescue is in our care.

The Rising Cost of Pet Care

When fostering 20 dogs, the daily costs quickly add up and becomes a significant financial commitment. Each dog requires food, medical care, and grooming, With transportation to vet appointments, routine check-ups, and the ongoing need for supplies, the expenses multiply. Managing these expenses while ensuring each dog is healthy and happy is a continuous and demanding task that underscores the importance of support and donations.

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