It’s a new year, and everywhere you look, the theme is fitness! Retail stores are packed with equipment to help people get in shape, health clubs are promoting memberships, and pickleball courts are busier than ever. While we’re advised to aim for 10,000 steps a day for our own health, have you ever stopped to think about how many steps your furry friend is taking every day?
8 Incredible Things Dogs Can Sense
Dogs see the world in ways we can’t even imagine. With their sharp noses, keen ears, and big hearts, they’ve got a sixth sense (and maybe a seventh or eighth) about what’s going on around them. Whether it’s picking up on your feelings or knowing a storm’s coming before you do, dogs have a knack for noticing the things we miss.
The Gift of Health: Feed Your Pets Right and Download Our Free Recipe Booklet!
Recently on Nextdoor, a woman shared her alarming experience with bug-infested dog food. She discovered the spoiled and recently opened bag of Purina Pro Plan dog food after feeding it to her dog for several days
Ringing in the New Year: Celebrating and Creating Traditions with Your Rescue Pet
The start of a new year brings fresh opportunities, new beginnings, and a chance to create lasting memories. For those of us who have the privilege of sharing our lives with rescue pets, this can also be a time to honor their journey and celebrate the love they bring into our homes. Why not make this year extra special by starting a new tradition with your rescue family member?
“Help! My Dog Ate Christmas Chocolate—Here’s What to Do”
The tree is twinkling, the presents are wrapped, and the house smells of holiday treats. But wait—where did your Christmas chocolate go?
My Name is Asher!
I’m Asher, a 1-year-old full-breed Chihuahua with striking tri-color fur—blue, white, and tan! I’m affectionate, playful, and gentle, and I’m on the lookout for a forever home.
“What Happens to Me?” Planning for Your Pet’s Future
Your pet is part of your family and relies on you for everything. Planning for their future ensures they’ll be cared for, even if you can’t be there.