I Don’t Want Any Babies!!!

If this rescue dog could talk, you’d hear her say: “I don’t want babies!” The poor thing. I first learned about this heartbreaking situation from a friend who lived next door to a breeder. She shared with me the terrible practices she witnessed—practices that are all too common among breeders. It’s bad enough that these dogs are confined to cages 24/7 without human touch or proper medical care, but what they endure to be forcibly impregnated is truly deplorable.

Angels, a dog with the spirit of a fighter, was determined to resist. She fought back, trying to bite the male dogs every time they attempted the forced breeding process. But the breeder, solely interested in the profit from puppies, was relentless.He taped her muzzle shut to stop her from biting, leaving Angels defenseless, trapped in a crate with males to make sure she got pregnant—another payday for the breeder. She spent the whole pregnancy inside that same crate, most likely the crate she was born into.

During her pregnancy, Angels didn’t grow very large, according to my friend. After 64 days, she was ready to whelp, but she only carried one puppy. Angels, who never wanted to be a mother, rejected her newborn and, in a tragic act, killed and ate her only offspring. As horrifying as this sounds, it’s not unheard of. In rare cases, a mother dog may eat her young if she doesn’t recognize them as her own or if she’s under extreme stress.

Furious at the loss of his potential income, the breeder decided Angels was no longer worth keeping. When my friend asked what he planned to do with her, he coldly responded that he would ‘terminate’ her. His idea of euthanasia was to break her neck by throwing her against a metal trash container.

Distraught, my friend called me and told me what the breeder was planning. Without hesitation, I asked her to see if he would let me take Angels. Miraculously, he agreed—but only if I arrived within the hour.

The drive over felt like a race against time, with each tick of the clock echoing like a countdown to disaster. He agreed to meet me at a gas station where he would surrender her. My friend met me there, and together, we saved Angels from a horrible, senseless death.

Today, Angels is a happy and vibrant fur baby, thriving in her forever home, surrounded by love—the life she always deserved.

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