Puppy mills, backyard breeders, and pet stores often contribute to the mistreatment and suffering of animals, and here’s why they’re detrimental:
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Poor Living Conditions:
Stop Animal Abuse
Puppy mills are notorious for subjecting animals to cramped, unsanitary, and inhumane living conditions. Dogs are often kept in overcrowded cages without proper medical care, exercise, or socialization, leading to a myriad of health and behavioral issues.
Emotional Trauma:
Stop Animal Abuse
Animals raised in puppy mills and backyard breeding operations endure significant emotional trauma from early separation from their mothers, lack of socialization, and exposure to stressful environments. This can lead to behavioral issues such as anxiety, fearfulness, and aggression.
Health Complications:
Stop Animal Abuse
Animals from puppy mills, backyard breeders, and some pet stores are more prone to health problems due to irresponsible breeding practices and lack of proper veterinary care. Genetic disorders, infections, and chronic conditions are common among these animals, leading to costly medical bills for unsuspecting owners.
Contributing to Overpopulation:
Stop Animal Abuse
The proliferation of puppy mills, backyard breeders, and pet stores perpetuates pet overpopulation by flooding the market with animals while countless homeless pets languish in shelters. This leads to euthanasia of healthy, adoptable animals due to lack of space and resources.
Unethical Breeding Practices:
Stop Animal Abuse
Puppy mills and backyard breeders prioritize profit over the well-being of animals. They often engage in overbreeding, inbreeding, and other unethical practices to churn out as many puppies as possible, without regard for the health or genetic diversity of the animals.
Supporting Animal Cruelty:
Stop Animal Abuse
Purchasing animals from puppy mills, backyard breeders, or pet stores indirectly supports the cruel and exploitative practices of these operations. By choosing to buy from them, consumers inadvertently perpetuate a cycle of suffering for animals.
Moms are born in the same cage they will be bred in.
They will start being bred at just 6 to 7 months old.
By the time they are rescued, they have gone through at least 3 puppy mills.
If they refuse to mate or if they attack the males, they are tied and their muzzles are taped . . THEY ARE RAPED!
Puppy Mill moms are bred back to back, without medical care or proper nutrition. They never have a dental cleaning or veterinarian check up. They carry pregnancies and deliver babies all while enduring the pain of rotting teeth and ear infections.

They are locked inside a crate with males while they are in heat for 12 days to make sure they get pregnant. Often they are badly hurt by aggressive males trying to mate.
Their babies are taken away from them at 4 weeks.
Once a backyard breeder decides “it’s time to get rid of” an older or sick mom, they “just do it”.
They never have human contact.
They live 24/7 inside crates, standing on wires.
95% of the breeding moms will ever make it out of the breeding pool alive.